The Boy Spies of Philadelphia Read online

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  There was no doubt in Seth's mind but that it would be comparativelyeasy to perform the mission which he had taken upon himself.

  He believed the only difficulty to overcome would be that of findingColonel Powers, or an officer equal or superior to him in rank.

  So far as making an excursion on the Delaware Road was concerned, itseemed an exceedingly simple matter, and Seth thought, as he set off athis best pace, that it was possible a fellow could aid the cause verymaterially without being called upon to endure much suffering, or toperform any severe work.

  He met several of the country people coming into the city with poultry,eggs or butter, they being quick to take advantage of the fact thatthe road had been lately cleared of market-stoppers by the raid whichresulted in making of Ezra Grimshaw a prisoner.

  During the first half-hour of his journey he fancied that every personhe met looked at him scrutinizingly, as if suspicious because he hadleft the city; but this sensation soon wore away as the time passedand no one molested him, after which he really began to enjoy thisimpromptu excursion.

  When an hour had passed, during which time Seth walked at his bestpace, he decided he was at least four miles from the town, and thelikelihood of being stopped by the British patrol no longer seemedprobable.

  Grimshaw had told him if he traveled six miles in this direction hewould meet with detachments of Americans, and he believed he was nowin that portion of the country where his mission should be successfullyended.

  There had not come into his mind the possibility that he could by anychance be considered a suspicious character by those whom he would aid,and he thought that it had been an excess of precaution to send wordregarding the journey to his mother.

  "I shall be back by the time Jacob and Enoch have had a chance to tellthe story," he muttered, "and it would have been as well if I hadn'tallowed mother an opportunity to worry about me. General Howe must havelittle fear of those whom he calls rebels if he allows people to leavethe city as readily as I have done."

  Twenty minutes later he was made glad by the sight of half a dozenhorsemen on the road in advance of him, for he felt positive they werenone other than those whom he wished to meet.

  Now it was no longer necessary he should press forward rapidly in orderto accomplish his purpose, for the mounted party came toward him atfull speed.

  "Where are you from, lad?" the leader asked as he drew rein directly infront of Seth.

  "From the town," the young patriot replied readily, positive ofreceiving a friendly greeting as soon as his errand was made known."I want to see Colonel Powers. Ezra Grimshaw told me I would find himhereabouts."

  "Where did you see Grimshaw?" the horseman asked more sternly than Seththought necessary.

  "On the pillory. He was captured by the Britishers somewhere out----"

  "Yes, we know all about that," the man interrupted, "but Grimshaw wouldnever have told anybody where we might be found."

  "But he did," Seth replied stoutly, "and it was under his advice thatI came out here to see Colonel Powers."

  It seemed strange that this statement should be questioned, yet theyoung messenger was quite certain from the expression on the faces ofthe horsemen that such was the case, and as they glanced at each othersuspiciously and incredulously, he hastened to add:

  "I have information which should be made known to the leaders of theContinental army, and Grimshaw told me to come here and repeat it toColonel Powers."

  "You have information?" the leader asked sharply. "And who may you be,sir?"

  "Seth Graydon."

  "Are you the son of that widow Graydon who keeps the boarding-house forEnglish officers?"

  "Yes," Seth replied without hesitation. "I heard----"

  "How did you get speech with Grimshaw if he was on the pillory?" one ofthe men asked abruptly.

  "I, with two friends, was near the town-house when those who made thecapture brought him in, and by waiting until the curious ones had goneaway it was not difficult to speak with him privately."

  "Was he flogged?" the leader asked.

  "No, sir."

  "Nor treated more severely than being put on the pillory?"

  "No, sir."

  "And yet he told where we could be found?"

  "Yes, because he was eager one of us should have speech with ColonelPowers."

  "If the British officers who board with your mother have sent you onthis errand they will be disappointed at the result of their scheme.The Tories of Philadelphia are not giving out valuable information tothose who are faithful to the cause."

  The leader spoke so sternly that for the first time since he partedwith his comrades Seth began to feel uncomfortable in mind.

  "But I am not a Tory!" he cried stoutly.

  "Then you have not taken due advantage of your surroundings," theofficer said with a laugh. "A great hulking lad like you would bein the Continental army if he had any love for the cause, instead ofplaying the spy for the sake of British gold."

  "But I am not playing the spy," and now Seth began to grow angry. "Icame out here to render you a service, at the risk of being flogged ifit is known that I left the city for such a purpose. I intend to enlistas soon as the Britishers have left Philadelphia."

  "Indeed? Is that true, my lad? You will enlist when we are on thewinning side, and not before, eh?"

  "Can I see Colonel Powers?" Seth asked hotly. "Or will you take me tosome one equal in rank with him?"

  "You shall have an opportunity of seeing an officer in the Continentalarmy, don't fear as to that; but if you count on going back toPhiladelphia in time to give valuable information to the Britishers,you are mistaken. They will look for their spy quite a spell beforeseeing him."

  "I tell you I am not a spy!" Seth interrupted.

  "That you shall have an opportunity to prove. Have you any weapons?"

  "Indeed I haven't."

  "Look him over, Hubbard, and make certain he isn't telling more lies,"the leader said to one of his followers, and the man dismounted atonce, searching Seth's person so roughly that the boy forgot Grimshaw'swarning to control his temper.

  "You shall be made sorry for this!" he cried hotly. "You shalllearn----"

  A blow on the side of the head caused him to reel, and he would havefallen but that he staggered against one of the horses.

  "Howe's Tory brood grow bold, thinking their master as powerful ashe would make it seem," the leader said with a laugh, and added in athreatening tone to Seth, "March ahead of us, young man! Don't makethe mistake of thinking you can give us the slip! Your desire to see anofficer in the Continental army shall speedily be gratified."

  "If this is the way you treat those who would do you a service, it islittle wonder you fail to receive much valuable information!" the boycried angrily.

  "Keep your tongue between your teeth, and march on! Any furtherinsolence, and you shall be made to understand that Howe is not theonly person who can order floggings administered. Forward, men, andshoot the Tory spawn if he makes any attempt to escape."

  Seth recognized the fact that it would be worse than useless to resist,and obeyed sullenly.

  At that moment he was very nearly a Tory at heart, for such treatmentseemed brutal in the extreme after he had ventured so much in the hopeof being of service to his country.

  "If this is the way those who would aid the cause are received I don'twonder General Washington finds it difficult to raise recruits," Sethsaid to himself. "When I have told Jacob and Enoch of my reception bythose whom we called friends there will be three who won't enlist aswas intended."

  It seemed to the boy as if there was no excuse for his thus beingmade a prisoner, and he felt only bitterness toward those who, an hourprevious, he would have been proud to assist.

  The troopers kept him moving at his best pace, urging him in frontof the horses with their naked swords, hesitating not to prick himroughly now and then when he lagged, until two miles or more
had beentraversed, when they arrived at what was little more than a trailthrough the woods, leading from the main road, and here he was orderedto wheel to the right.

  Just for an instant he was tempted to make one effort at escaping; but,fortunately, he realized the futility of such a move, and went swiftlyup the path as he had been commanded.

  Twenty minutes later, when he was nearly breathless owing to the rapidmarch, the party had arrived at what was evidently a rendezvous for theAmerican patrols.

  It was an open space in the midst of dense woods, and here a dozen ormore horses were tethered to the trees, while as many men were loungingabout in a most indolent fashion.

  "What have you got there, Jordan?" one of the idlers cried, and theleader replied with a coarse laugh:

  "A young Tory who is trying to win his spurs in a most bunglingfashion."

  "From the town?"

  "He is the son of the woman who runs a boarding-house for Britishofficers, and claims to have been sent by Grimshaw."

  "Where is Grimshaw?"

  "On the pillory, so the boy says. He was captured this morning by someof the Queen's Rangers."

  "He is like to have a sore back when he shows up here again."

  "We will send them one in return," Captain Jordan replied, pointing toSeth. "It won't be a bad idea to show Howe that we can swing the whipas well as his redcoats, and if ever a cub deserved a flogging it isthis one."

  "We've got nothing else to do, so let's try our hand on him," some onecried, and Seth looked around terrified.

  If these men decided to treat him as a Tory he would be powerlessagainst them, and there seemed little chance he could convince thetroopers of the truth of his statement.

  Two of the soldiers began cutting birchen switches, as if believing thesuggestion would be carried into effect immediately, and Seth's facegrew very white.

  "We'll dress him down to your liking captain, if you give the word,"one of the men who had begun the preparations for the punishment cried,as if eager to be at the work. "It's time we commenced to show theBritishers that the floggings are not to be all on one side."

  Captain Jordan, although the first to make such a suggestion, wasnot prepared to give the order, knowing full well that he would beexceeding his authority should he do so, and replied with a laugh:

  "We shan't lose anything by waiting, so there's no need of being in ahurry. Look out for the prisoner, Hubbard, and see to it that he don'tescape you."

  The trooper thus commanded seized Seth roughly by the shoulder, andhalf-dragging, half-leading him to a tree on one side of the clearing,proceeded to fetter the boy by tying him securely.

  "You seem to be afraid a fellow will get away," Seth said bitterly."Fifteen or twenty men should be enough to guard one boy."

  "Very likely they are, lad; but we don't intend to give ourselves anymore trouble than is necessary. You will stay here, I reckon, and weshan't be put to the bother of watching you."

  There was something in the man's tone which caused Seth to believe hemight be made a friend.

  By this time he realized it was worse than useless for him to displaytemper, and that it might yet be possible to escape the threatenedpunishment. Therefore he said in a conciliatory tone:

  "Does it seem so strange to you, my wish to be of benefit to the cause,that you cannot believe my story sufficiently to allow me an interviewwith Colonel Powers?"

  "I don't see where the harm would be in that, lad; but it isn't for meto say. Captain Jordan is in command of this squad."

  "But hark you, Mr. Hubbard. I have told only the truth. If my mother, apoor widow woman, is forced to take English officers as boarders, doesthat make of me a Tory?"

  "Well, lad, I can't rightly say it does, though after the junketin'syou people have had in Philadelphia this winter, I allow all hands aremore or less afflicted with that disease."

  "But I am not. The story I told about meeting Grimshaw is true. One ofmy companions is the son of Chris Ludwick, whom likely you know; wedrew lots to see who should come here, and I was pleased because thechoice fell on me. Do you think it right that I should be flogged andsent back before your officers have had time to find out whether I amtelling the truth or a lie?"

  "No, lad, I don't, for I allow you have had plenty of chances to hearthat which would be valuable to our side; but whether you would tell itor not is another matter."

  "Why shouldn't I want to tell it? Are the soldiers of the Continentalarmy the only men in the country who love the cause?"

  "Those who love the cause should be in the army when men are needed asnow."

  "Before General Howe took possession of Philadelphia I was too young tobe received as a soldier--am too young now; but shall make the attemptto enter as soon as possible."

  "Would you be willing to enlist to-day?"

  "Not until I have talked with my mother. She depends upon me forassistance, and it isn't right I should leave home without herpermission. But that has nothing to do with the story I came to tell. Iswear to you I have heard that which should be known to your officers.I told it to Grimshaw, and he insisted I should not repeat it to anyone of lower rank than a colonel."

  "Then it must be mighty important information."

  "So it is; yet without giving me an opportunity to tell it I am to bekept here and flogged."

  "That is Captain Jordan's affair," Hubbard replied; but Seth understoodthat his words had had some effect upon the man, and he continued yetmore earnestly:

  "There can be no harm in taking me to Colonel Powers, for afterthat has been done you will still have the opportunity to give me aflogging. When I have repeated that which I came to say I shall yet bea prisoner."

  Hubbard made no reply to this, but walked quickly away to whereJordan was talking with a group of the men, and Seth began to hopehe could yet accomplish his purpose, although he was far from feelingcomfortable in mind as to what might be the final result of his attemptto aid the cause.

  During the next half-hour no one came sufficiently near the prisoner toadmit of his entering into another conversation.

  The men were discussing some matter very earnestly, and Seth believedhe himself was the subject.

  Then the scene was changed.

  Ten or twelve horsemen rode into the open, and by their uniforms Sethunderstood that officers of a higher rank than Captain Jordan hadarrived.

  The newcomers did not dismount, but received the captain's report whilein the saddle, and then, to the prisoner's great delight, rode directlytoward him.

  "What is your name?" the eldest member of the party asked.

  "Seth Graydon."

  "Is it true that your mother has as boarders many officers of theBritish army?"

  "Yes, sir. There are seven from the Forty-second Highlanders, five ofthe Royal Irish regiment, and Lord Cosmo Gordon."

  "And you overheard a conversation at your mother's house which youbelieved would be of value to us?"

  "Yes, sir," and Seth told in detail of his conversation with EzraGrimshaw, concluding by asking, "Are you Colonel Powers?"

  "I am, my lad, and see no reason for doubting your good intentions. Youhave been roughly treated, it is true; but it has not been serious, andyou must realize that the soldiers are suspicious because of the manyattempts at treachery this spring. You say you told Grimshaw what youhad heard? Did he insist you should repeat it to me in private?"

  "No, sir. I was simply to tell no one of lower rank."

  "Then what have you to say?"

  Seth detailed the conversation he had heard in his mother's house, andColonel Powers questioned him closely regarding the comments which hadbeen made by the British officers at the time the subject was underdiscussion.

  When he had answered these questions to the best of his ability, thecolonel beckoned for Captain Jordan, and said harshly:

  "I wonder, captain, that you and your troops should be so afraid ofone boy as to bind him in such a manner. He has brought most valuableinformation, and should be richly rewar
ded for his services, instead ofbeing trussed up in this fashion."

  The captain looked confused as he released Seth, and while doing sowhispered in the boy's ear:

  "I am sorry, lad, for what has happened, and that is all any man cansay."

  However much ill-will Seth may have felt toward his captor just at thatmoment, he had no desire to show it.

  The words of commendation spoken by Colonel Powers were sufficientreward for all he had undergone during his time of arrest, and he feltalmost friendly-disposed, even toward those of the troopers who had soeagerly begun to prepare the switches for his back.

  "You shall have an escort as far toward the town as is consistent withyour safety and ours," the colonel said when Seth was freed from theropes. "I thank you for your service, and shall, perhaps, at some timebe able to reward you better. When you decide to enlist, come to me."

  Then the colonel, beckoning to his staff, rode away with the air of onewho has an important duty to execute, and Captain Jordan held out hishand to his late prisoner.

  "Forgive me, lad, and say you bear me no ill-will."

  "That I can readily do, now my message has been delivered," Sethreplied promptly, and the troopers gathered around, each as eager toshow his friendliness as he previously had been to inflict punishment.

  A horse was brought up, and the captain, now the most friendly ofsoldiers, said to Seth:

  "We'll escort you as far as the creek; further than that is hardlysafe. You can easily reach home before dark, for the ride will not bea long one."

  "I can walk as well as not, if you have other work to do," Seth replied.

  "We are stationed on the road here to stop the country people fromcarrying in produce, and by giving you a lift shall only be continuingour duties."

  Seth mounted; the captain rode by his side; half a dozen men came intoline in the rear, and the little party started at a sharp trot, which,owing to his lack of skill as a horseman, effectually prevented Sethfrom joining in the conversation the captain endeavored to carry on.

  In half an hour or less the squad had arrived at the bank of the creek,and Seth dismounted.

  "The next time you come this way I'll try to treat you in a betterfashion, lad," Captain Jordan said, and Seth replied as the party rodeaway:

  "I don't doubt that; but the next time I come it will be with morecaution, fearing lest I meet with those who will be quicker to give methe Tory's portion than were you."

  Then he set out at a rapid pace, congratulating himself his troubleswere over, and that he would be at home before any of the inmates ofhis mother's house should question his prolonged absence.

  He believed his mission had been accomplished; that he had rendered noslight service to the cause, and that there was no longer any danger tobe apprehended.

  He whistled as he walked, giving but little heed to what might bebefore or behind him, until, within less than five minutes from thetime he had parted with the American horsemen, he was confronted by asquad of the Queen's Rangers, commanded by a lieutenant.

  "Take him up in front of you," the officer said to the trooper nearesthim. "We can't be delayed by forcing him to march on foot."

  "What are you to do with me?" Seth cried in surprise, for this commandwas the first word which had been spoken by either party.

  "That remains to be seen," the officer replied curtly.

  "But there is no reason for arresting me," Seth continued. "I am theson of Mrs. Graydon, who keeps the boarding-house in Drinker's Alley."

  "Ah! Indeed?"

  "Certainly I am, and any of the officers who live there can vouch forme."

  "Those who vouch for you would be indiscreet," the lieutenant saidsharply. "You are under arrest, and it is possible may persuade thecommander that Mrs. Graydon's son does not hold communication with therebels; but any protestations on your part would be useless, so far aswe are concerned, for we saw you escorted by a squad of rebel horsemen.Mount in front of the trooper and make no parley. General Howe has ashort shrift for spies, and we shall not spend our time here convincingyou that your treason has been discovered."

  Seth was almost helpless through fear.

  Since the Rangers had seen him riding in company with Continentaltroopers there was little question but that he would be considered aspy, and he knew what would probably be the punishment.